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Exhibition at social space

Special fixtures were created for the exhibition space at SHAKOBA, a contemporary social space run by ReBITA. SHAKOBA is a community space with a restaurant hall and rental space located in the Atré Takeshiba building, which is also home to the Shiki Theatre Company. For this occasion, we received a request to create fixtures for a special exhibition held in the unique space which would be turned into a gallery. Since the space is typically used as an hourly rental space, construction on the existing walls was not possible and the space had to be easily adjustable so that it could be restored to its original state at any point. In addition, since many of the staff members were women, they requested the fixtures be lightweight and easy for anyone to move. For these reasons, the design focused on thin fixtures with caster wheels. Additionally, on one occasion we had the opportunity to take the work outside to an external passage adjacent to the space. The very act seemed to create a connection between the exhibition space and the outside world. Just beyond the passage was a seaside plaza inciting a feeling of inspiration to continue to create further connections that go beyond various spaces.

TITLE   SHAKOBAGALLERY/01 “A plaza where you can meet more people”
USE   Exibition of work
SITE   1-10-45 Kaigan,Minato-ku,Tokyo-to,Japan
OPEN   28th March 2021 ~
25th April 2021
ARTIST   Fukito Kikuchi
DESIGNER    Takuya Yamamoto
PHOTOGRAPH   Tomoko Rikimaru



名称  SHAKOBAGALLERY/01 「もっと人と会える広場」
用途  作品展示
場所  東京都港区海岸1-10-45 WATERS takeshiba シアター棟1階 アトレ竹芝内
開催  2021 年 3 月 28 日 ~ 4 月 25 日
依頼  株式会社リビタ  
作家  菊池風起人 /  設計 山本卓弥 /
製作  studio HOHO /  撮影 力丸朋子